Additional Resources

In addition to the resources listed in our individual blog posts, these links below may help with your research needs! 

In no particular order:

Scott Nicholson's works


Gaming in school libaries

Scott Nicholson's youtube video about the tiny games (eyes game)

Overview of library gamification

Scott Nicholson blog on gamification

Scott Nicholson's Games in Libraries video course

Games in libraries census 

Federation of American Scientists on gaming

Gaming experience in libraries

Services libraries can offer for gamers

Libraries and gaming communities (libraries as a third place)

For both old and young + games in libraries

Video games as learning tools: library perspective

Jane McGonigal research and pubs

Analysis of Tic Tac Toe

Journal Articles

Loertscher, Simon. (2013, Mar.) "Rock–Scissors–Paper and evolutionarily stable
strategies". Economics Letters. 118(3), 473-474. DOI:

Bahel, Eric. (2012, June) Rock–paper–scissors and cycle-based games. Economics Letters,

Burnham, Terence; McCabe, Kevin; Smith, Vernon L. (2000, Sept.) Friend-or-foe intentionality
priming in an extensive form trust game. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Crowlet, Kevin; Siegler, Robert.  (1993). Flexible strategy use in young children's tic-tac-toe.
Cognitive Science, 17(4), 531–561. Doi:

Devries, R. (2004). Why the child's construction of relationships is undamentally important to
constructivist teachers. Prospects, 34(4), 411-422. doi:

DeVries, R. (1998). Implications of Piaget's constructivist theory for character education. Action
In Teacher Education20(4), 39-47.

Kruczek, K.; Sundberg, E. (2009, May) A Pairing Strategy for Tic-Tac-Toe on the Integer Lattice
with Numerous Directions. The College Mathematics Journal , 40(3), 233-234 Retrieved from:

Lacour, Pierre. (2012, Jan.). Intentions and ethical behavior in trust games. The Journal of Socio-
Economics. 41(1), 55-63 DOI:

Lipschultz, D. (2009). Gaming @ your library. American Libraries, 40(1), 40-43,4. Retrieved from

McCabe, Kevin; Rigdon, Mary L.; Smith, Vernon L. (2003, Oct.). Positive reciprocity and
intentions in trust games. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 52(2), 267–275

Patashnik, Oren. (1980, Sep.) Qubic: 4 × 4 × 4 Tic-Tac-Toe. Mathematics Magazine. 53(4). 202-

Tariq, S. (2012, Aug 08). Tic tac toe. The Nation. Retrieved from

Zan, Betty; Hildebrandt, Carolyn. (2003). First Graders’ Interpersonal Understanding During
Cooperative and Competitive Games. Early Education & Development. 14(4).

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